Finance House Grants Scholorships Funds through BBI - Finance House
Finance House Grants Scholorships Funds through BBI
11th March 2009
finance house

Bosna Bank International (BBI), in association with Finance House P.J.S.C, organized the Scholarship Award Ceremony in which 35 educational scholarships to final year students and 15 scholarships to postgraduates across Bosnia were awarded for the academic year 2008-2009.

The awards were presented by Mr. Amer Bukvić, CEO of BBI, Prof. Hazim Bašić, PhD, Vice Rector for educational and research work at Sarajevo University and Dr. Šukrija Ramić, member of the Scholarships Committee.

This benevolent gesture reflects Finance House’s social responsibility towards the global community to promote education in Bosnia and contribute to the development of the country by ensuring higher education to deserving students. Moreover, Finance House has also granted the scholarships funds to BBI for the next three academic years.

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